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Tell Me About Statistics!

We address the questions and misconceptions that many people have when reading medical articles and provides easy-to-understand explanations of statistics.


vol.1 Distinguishing between “standard deviation” and “standard error”

vol.2 What is a confidence interval (CI)?

vol.3 Error bars are not always symmetrical

vol.4 How to determine the number of n required for a survey

vol.5 The number of n (sample size) required in a clinical trial

vol.6 Percentiles and interquartile range

vol.7 What is a hypothesis test? What is a probability of what is a p-value?

vol.8 Can we say that the smaller the p-value, the more effective?

vol.9 What test methods are used to demonstrate equivalence?

vol.10 What is a non-inferiority trial?

vol.11 What is the difference between the risk ratio and the odds ratio?

vol.12 Why are odds ratios used in clinical research?

vol.13 What are Kaplan-Meier method and Cox proportional hazards model?

vol.14 What kind of a model is the Cox proportional hazards model?

vol.15 What does the hazard ratio represent?

vol.16 What is the confidence interval of the hazard ratio ?

vol.17 Is the Wald test the same as the 95% CI of the hazard ratio?

vol.18 Kaplan-Meier Survival Curve. What is the difference between log-rank test and generalized Wilcoxon test?

vol.19 Can the Cox proportional hazards model be used when the Kaplan-Meier survival curves cross?

vol.20 Is there a survival curve that does not use the Kaplan-Meier method?

vol.21 What is the chi-square test? (Part 1)

vol.22 What is the chi-square test? (Part 2) – Expected frequency and chi-square value

vol.23 Two Mistakes in Hypothesis Testing – What is the Type I Error?

vol.24 Two mistakes in hypothesis testing – What is the Type II mistake?

vol.25 What is power in hypothesis testing?

vol.26 What is hypothesis testing for three or more groups instead of two-group comparisons?

vol.27 What is ANOVA (Analysis of Variance)? Part 1

vol.28 What is ANOVA (Analysis of Variance)? Part 2

vol.29 When to use the multiple comparison method?

vol.30 Multiple comparison method for comparison of 3 or more groups in any case?

vol.31 What are the pitfalls of certification?

vol.32 What are the pitfalls of estimation?

vol.33 Is p=0.05 a significant difference?

vol.34 What is the standard deviation of data that cannot be measured numerically?

vol.35 What is the difference between “n” and “n-1” in the standard deviation formula?

vol.36 What is the geometric average?

vol.37 What is the harmonic average?

vol.38 What is the coefficient of variation?

vol.39 What are quartile range and quartile deviation?

vol.40 What are 5 number summaries and box-and-whisker plot?

vol.41 What is an outlier?

vol.42 What is correlation analysis?

vol.43 What is a functional relationship?

vol.44 What is correlation?

vol.45 What is a causal relationship?

vol.46 What is a single correlation coefficient?

vol.47 How is a single correlation coefficient calculated?

vol.48 How can a simple regression equation be found?

vol.49 What is cross tabulation, which is the basis for calculating risk ratios and odds ratios?

vol.50 What is the Cramer correlation coefficient?

vol.51 It’s easy if you know the expected frequency! Calculation method of Cramer’s coefficient of association

vol.52 What is correlation ratio?

vol.53 How to calculate the correlation ratio?

vol.54 What is Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient?

vol.55 How to calculate Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient?

vol.56 What is the normal distribution?

vol.57 How to find the area (probability) of a normal distribution?

vol.58 What is the standard normal distribution?

vol.59 What are skewness and kurtosis?

vol.60 What is a normal probability plot?

vol.61 What is the normality test?

vol.62 What is t distribution?

vol.63 How to find the area (probability) of the t distribution?

vol.64 What is logistic regression analysis?

vol.65 Odds ratio of logistic regression analysis

vol.66 What is the cutoff value?

vol.67 Cutoff value calculated by Cramer’s coefficient of association

vol.68 Cutoff value calculated by ROC analysis

vol.69 What is propensity score matching methods?

vol.70 What is the chi-square distribution?

vol.71 [coming soon]

Yasuo Shiga
iStat, Inc.
President and Representative Director
Professor, Graduate School of Business Breakthrough University (Statistician, Statistical Data Analyst, Data Analyst)

Tamio Kan
iStat, Inc.
Chairman and Executive Director
Professor Emeritus, Graduate School of Business Breakthrough University (Doctor of Science)

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