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In December 2022, CareNet released a survey of 152 of its member physicians regarding a “Cancer Education” program being implemented in elementary, junior high, and high schools. The main results are as follows.
CareNet provides a various information on “Cancer education” through “Cancer Education in Schools.com” on CareNet.com.
In December 2022, CareNet released a survey of 152 of its member physicians regarding a “Cancer Education” program being implemented in elementary, junior high, and high schools. The main results are as follows.

When asked about their awareness of the “Cancer Education” program, about half of the respondents (51%) answered that they were “completely unaware” of it. However, 47% of CareNet member physicians were aware of the program, including 35% who had “heard of it” and 12% who had received “some overview.” Only 2% responded that they were “actually involved/had been involved in the initiative,” revealing that the status of their participation was marginal.

With regard to “awareness of Cancer Education,” 0% of CareNet member physicians responded that they were “opposed” to the program, and most either “agreed” (44%) or “somewhat agreed” (47%), indicating that 91% of them agreed with the idea of the program. The majority of the respondents (free answers) agreed with the idea, saying, “It is a matter that everyone needs to face, and it is important to know about it at an early stage.”

With regard to their “level of interest in Cancer Education,” 80% of CareNet member physicians expressed an interest, including 43% who “would like to be actively involved” and 38% who “would like to be involved if given the opportunity.” In conducting “Cancer Education” classes, the use of outside instructors, such as cancer specialists, is expected, given their expertise.

On the other hand, “Not having enough time to prepare slides and hold meetings with schools” was identified by 40.8% of respondents as the most common concern when conducting cancer education (multiple responses), followed by “Not knowing how to treat and teach children and students,” at 25%, and “Not knowing what to talk about,” at 24.3%. The need for detailed coordination between the schools requesting the class and the doctors teaching the class was highlighted as an issue.

Please refer to the slide for excerpts from the survey results, including the free answer column.



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